the best coffee cocktail, Italian coffee, coffee delivered to your doorstep, drink coffee like an Italian

The best way to get your coffee drunk

coffee cocktails to celebrate your love of coffee.

The ice cubes clinking, murmurs of people chatting and music low in the background . . .This is the sound of a good holiday party for me. Calm, no frenzy or tacky displays, just a really cool party. Maybe Bing Crosby or Ertha Kitt. Once a year I take out and dust off my collection of Christmas carol CDs. Memories from the 90s flood my brain while I flip through my old CD collection named Christmas.

Valentines' Day brunch

Snowy Christmas evening cocktail party

Ring in the new year 

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Drunken Coffee Cocktail

10 cups of espresso cold coffee

Bailey's Irish Creme

Make your espresso, illy brand, and let it cool. Pour the coffee into ice cube trays and freeze overnight.

In a large whiskey tumbler break the frozen coffee ice cubes and then pour a shot of Bailey"s over them. A holiday cocktail for those Christmas Brunch meals.

*Using a decaf coffee makes the caffeine buzz much more reduced for evening coffee drinking.


 baileys and coffee, order italian coffee to your door step, italian coffee, drink coffee like an italian, christmas coffee cocktail, coffee cocktail

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